Customer Service is a core service for a lot of businesses around the world and it is getting disrupted at the moment by Natural Language Processing-powered applications.

Dining Concierge chatbot is a server-less, microservice-driven web application. It sends you restaurant suggestions given a set of preferences that you provide the chatbot with through conversation.

Try it out! here

In this web app, I used so many AWS services!

  • Store my front-end files at AWS S3
  • Build the APIs at API Gateway
  • Write the logics in Lambda functions
  • Build and train the chatbot using Amazon Lex
  • Scrape and parse data from Yelp
  • Store and search data within DynamoDB and Elasticsearch
  • Push the information collected from the user to an SQS
  • Set a CloudWatch event trigger to pull the data from SQS
  • Send recommendation information to user’s phone via SMSmessages
  • Most importantly, IAM!!! (tons of permission policies need to set😫)

While building this web app, I familiarized myself with

Cross-Origin Resource Sharing concept, parsing html, json format, node.js, AWS Command Line, NoSQL database,…

Such a fun and bittersweet process!